Thursday, April 29, 2010

Awesome Comic Concept

I recently finished reading Kick Ass by Mark Millar and I was pretty impressed with it. Definitely lots of blood and language and violence. This is surely not for someone under 17 or so. After that I research some more on Mark Millar and stumbled across a new series by him and Steve McNiven called Nemesis. Basically the idea is....what if Batman was the Joker? It's about the worlds greatest supervillain who goes to different countries to take down their greatest cops. And man does he really mess with them. So far there has only been one issue that I thought was pretty decent, with more to come in the coming months. I just have to be patient, but I don't really want too. The concept of an overly rich guy who commits crime for fun, to me, makes for a really awesome comic concept. If you're into comics then give this one a try, if not maybe read this and see that perhaps you should start reading again.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Unexpected movie theater visit

The last movie I saw at the theater was Shutter Island. I've just been figuring I'll see another movie once classes let out. Well I was wrong. What started as a quick trip to the mall for props for this weeks skit became an evening out. First there were props, then food, then a movie that started at the perfect time. I really wasn't sure about this movie entitled: The Losers. When it started I found out it was based of a comic which made me think to myself that this might not be half bad. Of course, I was cautious since there are a few comic based movies out there that are terrible. It's kind of hard to explain but this movie had it all! Lots of action, explosions, comedy, and twisting to the plot. Probably the highlight of the whole movie was the bad guy whom is only known as Max. He's got to be the most interesting villain I've seen in a LONG TIME! He's one of those guys you just love to hate. Truly a good actor and portrayal done here of this comic book character. All I'm gonna say if this doesn't convince you, then you should wiki it and find out some more without giving away the plot. Don't miss this movie....and I can't wait for a sequel since they didn't do the whole story in one movie. What are you waiting for?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Awesome TV Show

Arrested Development is a really messed up show. When I say that I mean it in the best way possible. The one-liners are non-stop and just keep coming. I can rarely watch an episode without laughing every 2 minutes. The show is about a son who decides to keep his family together after his father is arrested for fraud and embezzlement. It has hilarious story lines and a nice set of guest stars that keep you wanting more. With each episode running only 20-22 minutes, it's easy to sit and watch half a season or more in one sitting. If you've not checked it out yet I suggest you give this one a try. You'll either love it or hate it. If you watch past the first season, it must mean you're in love with the show. Watching the 3 seasons is worth every bit of time you'll invest!